Wednesday, August 29, 2012

9 months Post-Op - Update and Pics

Today is 9 months since my roux-en-y surgery - so much has changed, and though I still have a way to go, I'm absolutely loving how things are turning out.

I got a hair past 10 pounds down this month, happy to see that up in the double digit range again. I think with being cleared for exercise, I should be able to keep that pace over the next few months. I'm soooo close to hitting the top of my surgeon's goal range for me - they said I should end up at 166-190, and today I'm 194.6. I think 166 is still too high, I want to get down to at least 150, though I'm considering changing that goal to 140. We'll see as I get closer.

I decided to keep with last month's decision to do the photos in my workout clothes - might be able to see a little more of the changes this way.

I'm noticing some wrinkly-ness on my legs, which I don't like - people have had skin removed on their thighs after WLS, but I'm hoping that continued toning will help take care of that. The arms, clearly, are going to need skin removal - there's not enough toning in the world that will get rid of that. But - need to get down to my goal weight and stabilize for a bit before I can consider that (and after we answer the question of whether we can do IVF - if that's a yes, then plastics will be even later down the horizon).

So here's the stats.

Current Loss Total Loss

And can't forget the weight totals:
Beginning weight338
Weight at surgery304
Current weight194.6
Total loss144

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