Monday, March 19, 2012

Vitamin Deficiencies

While I have been faithfully taking all of the vitamins required of my program, my 3-month post-op blood came back, along with a prescription for massive amounts of Vitamin D. Though vitamin D is included in the 3 doses a day of calcium citrate I take, apparently that and any amounts in my 2x a day multi-vitamin weren't enough. Normal range for vitamin D is considered 30-100, and mine came in at 28.1. While that's just a little bit off the bottom of the normal range, they really like to see it solidly in the middle. So for the next 8 weeks I'll be taking a weekly dose of 50,000iu of vitamin D, and afterward, taking 2000iu a day in over the counter form.

On the plus side, this could explain some of the listlessness, muscle fatigue, and overall lack of energy I've been having lately. Looking forward to seeing what changes it will bring!

1 comment:

  1. I will let you know that due to the high doses of D3 and B12 as a post opper, I've been able to get myself off my Effexor without any deleterious effect. I've been taking 2000 IU daily since my surgery (plus whatever's in the other supplements), and so far so good. Hope you're feeling better once your levels are back up.
